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HADO WATER - Water has memory and you can restructure it

I had my first Hado Water experiment on the 9th of December 2020 using written words (Love, Forgiveness and Gratitude). I felt emotional as I was sticking the word to a beautiful glass jar.

I felt like drinking more water and I was encouraging my mother to drink “Love Water” (as I called it). I felt closer to the water, even touching a glass jar as I passed by it. I did not want to drink water from the tap before placing it in the jar with the words. Every time I was making food or tea with that water, I felt a sense of well-being and it seemed to me a relief. Maybe I was feeling I was given the dignity that the water deserved.

As I got used to taking water with me outside, I spoke words of kindness to it. Before I did it, I was feeling I could not say it, it was difficult to start, but soon words came out of my mouth. I felt good about it. I noticed it was easy to sing to the water. Words were flying.

I watched a documentary about Masaru Emoto's research and I found it very interesting. I was surprised as I noticed lots of research has been made until now and I was wondering why I didn´t pay attention to this knowledge before. Seems like I need repetition. 

Masaru Emoto's research seems to be based on the Law of Sympathetic Vibration. The vibration of a word or mantra can alter the structure of the water.

Understanding that Hado water can have an effect on our bodies, minds and emotions really made me think and start to use it for my benefit. I have been praying over my food in the past two years, as I realized that we must really be grateful for the people who were involved in our food and grateful for all the elements. It is also important to me to put an intention of the food I’m eating, usually it is to feed my Buddha’s nature and to keep me healthy. With his Hado water knowledge I started to become focused on my prayers, ensuring that I was re-structuring the water in my food.

Even the way I talk to myself has changed slightly. I was already careful about how I treated myself, but now I am even more as I understand I can structure the water in my body and keep healthy.

I have always been careful the way I talk to people and I understand this affects them. I remember in school watching a documentary called “Behaviour generates behaviour”. This means the way to treat people is the way people are going to respond. If you are angry at them, they will react in an angry way. Now, taking in consideration research done on vibration, this is even more clear why this happens.

After two weeks, I did Hado water with mantras. I would leave the water in a glass jar “listening” to mantras playing on YouTube. It was nice because while I was studying, I was also listening to the mantras, so my whole house was vibrating with the mantras. It was a lovely experience drinking this water. I did it for a few days. However due to fast pace life, I felt I didn’t have time to always set up the mantra chanting for each water jar. In order to keep doing this I felt I needed a few jars set up ready to use which were already structured as I now drink lots of water and use this water for washing and cooking vegetables.

At that time, my father was living in a therapeutic community working on his cognitive and emotional development, he was healing. So, I prepared a Hado water for him, this water was left “listening” to mantras for 10 hours. He received this water on Christmas day. This was the first time I saw my father in 3 months. Seemed like the mantras not only worked for him but for me too, I received the best Christmas gift ever: seeing my father.

So, from this experience, I take a few things:

  • I carried on structuring water every day

  • I use written and spoken words

  • Every morning, I pray to the water and I honor the Waters.

  • Before I drink the water and take a moment, think about the words written on the jar and I bring gratitude to the water.

  • I feel I am more aware when I drink water.

  • I think more about water and the power of water. I feel so grateful.

Here are some steps you can take to prepare and drink your HADO water:

  • Buy some mineral water. If you can find some in a glass container, that's best. Or destile your water using a purifier. Tap water is hard to purify because the chlorine seems to affect the structure even after the chlorine evaporates, but you can also use it.

  • Keep the water in front of a music source where you can play purifying water music. You can play some mantras or prayers. In Dr. Emoto's two books, you can find out the names of various symphonies and songs that produce great crystals. Some of these musical sources of HADO include Beethoven's Ninth, John Lennon's Imagine, and Amazing Grace.

  • Cut out small pieces of paper and write messages or just words on the pieces of paper. One message could be "Love and Gratitude". If you have some illness or pain you want to go away, another message can be "[Name of pain or illness] Has Gone".

  • Place the glass or bottle on the top of the message and leave it for a while.

  • Drink as often as possible from the HADO jar\bottle, then repeat the process.

  • Be thankful as you drink the water.


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