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Full Moon Ceremony

Tue, 27 Apr



Meditation followed by a Protection Ritual

Registration is Closed
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Full Moon Ceremony
Full Moon Ceremony

Time & Location

27 Apr 2021, 19:00 – 20:30 WEST


About the Event

*Guided in Portuguese

** Donation only

Astrologically, the Full Moon is the time to harvest, that is the moment when we see the results of what we started to cultivate and structure earlier, for example in the New Moon phase.

Since the energy of the Full Moon in Scorpio is especially intense, it favors all the rituals that involve the liberation of something, the protection of personal energy and your private space, which in general, will help you to strengthen, get stronger, and able to face any challenge that arises.

This could turn out to be a great phase of change, detachment, and deep emotions for you!

In this ceremony, you will have the opportunity to be guided in Meditation of contemplation to the Full Moon and after that, we will guide you through a protection ritual.

To do the complete ritual you will need the following items:

1 Red Candle (preferably, if you don't have it, use a white candle)

1 Knife to carve your full name (or first and last name in case it is too big) on the candle

2 Bowls to place the herbs

1 White tea saucer (plate)

Liturgical coal or charcoal (you have to burn the coal until it is red hot) or pine leaves (to serve as a "bed" for the herbs that are going to be burned)

Dry herbs - the ideal is to use rosemary, sage, rue, lavender, but you can use whatever you have at hand

Carnation petals (if you don't have it, you can use 2 cinnamon sticks)

Rock salt (it can be pink salt from the Himalayas if you have it if not it can be kitchen salt)

7 Cloves to carve in the candle

A Kitchen lighter to burn liturgical charcoal \ charcoal \ pine leaves

Tarot Cards of the Moon, Sun, and World (if you don't have a Tarot deck, use three pieces of paper where you must draw the moon, the sun, and the world)


Black ink pen

Wide burner \ Bowl, where you can safely burn herbs

You must do the following preparation before the ritual:

- Please write your name on the candle before the ritual. A finger away from the base, start writing with your knife, your name on the candle towards the wick. Then use the knife to make small holes to stick the 7 cloves around the base of the candle.

- Please prepare the herbs: The herbs must be ground individually in a pestle/mortar and you must place the herbs in two bowls in equal parts.

- Please grind the 2 cinnamon sticks.

At the end of the ritual, we appreciate a donation.

We intend to serve, share our knowledge, guide, actively listen and offer support. We strongly believe that universal knowledge and learning to heal should be accessible to everyone, regardless of the circumstances and, therefore, we work by giving, not because we can work for little return, but because we intend to emanate energies of trust and honesty. We hope that it will move something in people, to apply it in their lives and spread those vibrations to other people around. We work and pray for a world with less greed and consumerism, so we ask that you value our time and energy, be honest and donate what you feel.

Eternally grateful!

Marisa & Ruth

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